News : Gombrowicz

NewsPoets of the younger generation

Meeting with two poets of the younger generation: Agnieszka Mirahina and Szczepan Kopyt. The host of the meeting was Dominika Świtkowska.

Agnieszka Mirahina is a poet and blogger. She published two volumes of poetry. Her poems are also included in an anthology Poeci na nowy wiek/Poets for the New Century edited by Tomasz Honet (2010). Szczepan Kopyt is a poet and yass musician. The author of three volumes of poetry: [yass] (2005), możesz czuć się bezpiecznie/you can feel safe (2006), sale, sale, sale (2009). Co-editor of an anthology of poetry Słynni i świetni/The Famous and the Excellent (2008).

Photos Ewa Witkowska

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