News : Gombrowicz

NewsDiscussion: The Russophile and the Russophobe, or a Contest in Wsola.

Contestants: a critical Russophile – Prof. Andrzej de Lazari, graduate of Russian Studies from Łódź University, and a Russophobe out of practical wisdom – Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz, a co-founder and long-time director of the Centre for Eastern Studies. Answers were sought to the questions describing the Polish Russia complex: can the attitude of Poles to Russians be only servile or disdainful? Are we closer to western rationalism or rather to Russian messianisms which perceive the civilisation of the West as an embodiment of Antichrist? Can we understand each other - both literally and metaphorically - after we have stopped to learn our respective languages?

Photos Ewa Witkowska

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